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Currumbong Alpaca, owned and operated by Odette and Bill Mayne is situated in the Spring Range area of the Yass Valley Shire in NSW, approximately 13 km north west of Hall between Canberra and Murrumbateman.

The property comprises 200 acres of predominantly native pasture covering Mt Spring (890 m above sea level) and foothills with magnificent 360 degree views of Canberra, the Brindabella Ranges, Yass and Gundaroo areas. Most importantly, this has proven to be a perfect environment to breed alpacas who thrive on this terrain.

Currumbong Alpacas was established early 2001, with our first cria arriving that year. We have been breeding on from our females and now have a number of lines of three generations of Currumbong bred females. The improvement in quality of conformation and fleece is very visible - we can demonstrate our 'raising quality' over three and four generations of females on our property.

We welcome visitors to our farm to view the alpacas in a magnificent natural environment and gain an appreciation of this amazing animal and the improvement in the quality of alpacas that is possible.


We are specialising in the breeding of white and the lighter shades of fawn huacayas. Our goal is to breed ultrafine well conformed alpacas with improved density and fleece weight.

We have used genetically superior males to improve our females, including Andean Park Ringmaster, Bellawood Hot Shot, Blue Grass Chimu, Forestglen Clancy, Illawarra Yohimbine, Jingara El-Paso, Ross Creek Arctic Lad, Windsong Valley Jigeiko and Windsong Valley Dendarri.

Our purchase of Halcyon Magnate and share in the ownership of Hemingway's Protege, together with males we have bred, for example Currumbong Flash, Currumbong golding, Currumbong Hayden and Currumbong Ivor, will further progress our breeding objectives.

We strongly believe that the future sustainability of the alpaca industry is linked to the production of commercial quantities of quality fleece.


Currumbong Alpacas offers a range of alpacas for sale all year round to suit the needs of individual buyers. For more details see our Alpaca Sales page or email: odette@currumbongalpacas.com